Shell helper-functions

openmediavault ships with this file /usr/share/openmediavault/scripts/helper-functions that contains several POSIX shell functions. To test them just run in terminal:

$ source /usr/share/openmediavault/scripts/helper-functions

Type omv_, press tab key to autocomplete, this will show all functions and a small description in the name.

Example 1: Shared folders objects in the database do not have their complete absolute path, it has to be constructed from the relative directory and the parent filesystem. If we know the shared folder database object <uuid> then:

$ omv_get_sharedfolder_path 2a8b04de-4e6c-4675-b761-1ddfabde2d2a



Example 2: Database nodes need to be created when a plugin is installed and removed when it is purged. This is from omv-extras MiniDLNA plugin postinst file

omv_config_add_node "/config/services" "${SERVICE_XPATH_NAME}"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "enable" "0"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "name" "MiniDLNA Server on OpenMediaVault"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "port" "8200"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "strict" "0"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "tivo" "0"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "rootcontainer" "."
omv_config_add_node "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "shares"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "loglevel" "error"
omv_config_add_key "${SERVICE_XPATH}" "extraoptions" ""

Notice in the postinst file how it sources at the beginning helper-functions.


What each function do and the parameters it accepts is documented in the helper-functions file .